
(Noun; rhymes with client)

  • an essential consulting partner to the global financial industry 
  • a team of practitioners from the financial industry and the regulatory community, bound together by a mission to help our clients meet regulatory obligations, manage risk, and address business change.


  • Washington, DC, 2005 
  • from the key characteristics of the firm, someone to be ‘trusted’ and ‘reliant’ on  


  • “Consulting firm Treliant in major expansion, creating 150 new NI jobs” 
  • “Treliant launches “Financial Crime Compliance Assured Skills Academy”



Treliant was formed in 2005 to meet the emerging needs of the financial services industry for compliance advisory services. We quickly developed strong relationships with law firms, navigating many of their leading clients through the aftermath of the financial crisis.  

We developed our reputation as a provider of practitioner-based advice and outstanding client service in the areas of Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance, expanding into Financial Crimes Compliance Operations, Mortgage, and Capital Markets.  

Treliant Today

We now have offices in North America, Europe, and Asia and relationships with many leading banks, mortgage providers, and other financial services firms.  

Our team is led by former practitioners and regulators who help financial institutions worldwide drive business change and address the most pressing compliance, regulatory, and operational challenges through the delivery of data-driven, technology-enabled advisory, implementation, and managed services solutions.


Our team includes former Chief Compliance Officers, Chief Risk Officers, leaders in Financial Crimes Compliance, and Capital Markets executives, who have worked at top firms globally, at regulators, or in government.


Trusted strategic advisors at Treliant providing financial compliance solutions.


We are dedicated to helping you meet your regulatory and compliance obligations, manage risk, and address business change.



We have hundreds of professionals working across the United States and from our offices in New York City, London, Washington, D.C., Tampa, San Antonio, Salt Lake City, Belfast, and Łódź. 

We continue to grow the firm by recruiting talented people, at all stages of their career, in all of our locations. See our Careers page for more information and our current opportunities.